Friday, September 25, 2009

future quest lesson1

I think being respectful is opining the door for the elder.I also think u could say yes mam no sir ,or if bump into sombody and it's not you're fualt say sory .

why are plants and algae important in an aqureume

The plants and algae are important to the aqureume becass it keeps the fish other living thigs inside it alive and it keeps us alive

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How today was

today was one of my best days i cant wait to see wat tomorows like. I have all A's but in spelling ihave a B. tomorow i'me going to try to get a A. But till then peace

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

observation #3

After we gave the dirt a rain shower the soil was much better. The mustard plant growe the most . MY Grass seed hasint started growing yet . Nether has the alphapha seed ! i cant wate till mine starts to grow. But he put all his seeds in his so i gues mine still has a whille.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ecosystem-how we depend on each other

I liked when we got to put the soil in them. The next best thing was putting the seeds in the soil . The seed that i got was ROUGH i had the grass seed. I also liked putting the water in the contaner ,But the duck weed and the eladea was nasty!I loved the fish not so much of the crecit though. To tell you the truth this was the best the best experiment yet!