Monday, March 1, 2010

How my weekend was

Over the weekend it was just the guys. There was my brother Avery, my dad Gregory, and my cousin CJ. The first day we were cleaning well at least they were i was out side playing with my friend Tarrance and we have a band now called snake bites. stay away in less you want to get bit jk, but we have 3 guitars my full peace drum set and my piano ext ext ext we already have a song we had people listen to it. When ever they here me play the drums it makes them want my autograph. When i play the guitar they fall in love with me like when you charm a snake with that oboe thing but unt like that we charm people. The next day had a little twist to it ,and this is how it had the twist. Me my bro and my Cu's went to go play some bball and they wouldn't pas me the ball every time i said pass me the ball they wouldn't and after they didn't the ball got stolen ,so eventioly it was time for the game shot and it was tied the other team had the ball so there was some one on every one but me so i snuck up rite be side the person who got the ball and when he throw the ball i jumped up and stole it and i was crossing people up i did this dude in and went in for the lay up and won the game for my team they had a surprised look on there face but they were like man i should have passed it to him. later that day we played football and that's when i let out all my energy and started trucking people juking people and popping people maybe next time they will pass me the ball.

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